Men's beauty services near Catford

Looking for a personal barber in Catford? Whether you are at home, office or hotel room, we got you covered! With more than 316 bookings delivered near Catford, you can place your trust in us.

Book a barber

How it works


Select your desired service. We work with highly trained and vetted professionals to ensure that you are in the best hands.


Set your date and time. We’ll forward your request to our expert Barbers and take care of the matching.


Sit back and enjoy your luxury grooming services from Get Groomed | Mobile Barbers. Your personal barber will show up on time and carry out the service flawlessl

Catford customers who have left


reviews for our barbers

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average in Catford

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bookings near Catford

Barbers in the Catford area

Catford customer testimonials

"Great cut!"
- James
"Excellent as always!"
- Steven
"Excellent cut. Great customer service. Highly recommended. '"
- Danny
- Paul

About Catford

Welcome to Catford, a colourful neighbourhood situated in the heart of London, UK. A vibrant melting pot of diverse cultures and incredible community spirit, Catford brings a unique charm to the metropolis. From its lively markets to the colourful murals, every corner of Catford hums with life and character.

Catford's character manifests in a myriad of ways. Whether it's shopping at local markets, exploring historical landmarks or enjoying nature in its beautiful parks, Catford rewards curiosity with unforgettable experiences. Woven within the fabric of Catford are stories waiting to be discovered and adventures meant to be experienced.

At Catford, you can explore:

Mountsfield Park: Perfect for a picnic or leisurely walk, offering lush greenery and fantastic views.
Catford Food Market: A must-visit for foodies, offering a collection of delicious local and international flavours.
The Broadway Theatre: Step into this historic setting for an unforgettable evening of artistic brilliance.
Catford Constitutional Club: Enjoy great drinks and a cosy atmosphere in this quirky local favourite.
Eros House and Milford Towers: Two imposing signs of Catford's architectural history.

After a day of uncovering everything that Catford has to offer, what's a better way to unwind than indulging in a hassle-free, professional grooming session? That's exactly what Get Groomed | Mobile Barbers provides. They bring the barbershop to your home, providing top-notch grooming at a time that suits you best. A few simple clicks can ensure that your Catford experience is not just about exploring its cultural richness, but also about giving yourself some well-deserved care and attention with Get Groomed | Mobile Barbers. You can book a barber here (sign up required).