Facial hair in the office

Facial hair in the office

At most corporate offices there isn’t a specific rule about what beard or moustache one is allowed to wear. However, there are social norms that everyone has decided to follow. Working at an office means that you must look fresh and neat at all times. It also helps when you are confident in your physical appearance. If letting go of your facial hair is not an option for you or you want to try having one for a change, take a look at the following facial hairstyles which have found their place in formal settings and in offices, and eventually have become staples for any corporate man.

Balbo Beard
This beard style is a great suggestion for those who wish to try something somewhat adventurous. It’s also recommended for those who can not choose between a goatee, a moustache, or a soul patch because it combines all three. The Balbo Beard radiates very masculine energy, reminiscent of old-time businessmen. With a little daily trimming, you can easily become one of the most compelling men in your office!

Shadow Moustache
We’re sure that you’re familiar with the stubble beard that most men can easily maintain. The Shadow Moustache employs very similar principles. You let the hair on your upper lip grow out just a bit, and trim it daily to maintain a faint shadow-like layer. It’s a great way to give your face some definition while preserving a professional and well-kept appearance.

Short Beard
While bushy beards are allowed in professional settings, they’re just not popular. Men who wish to grow beards in a formal environment often opt to keep them short. Short beards allow some growth on areas of the face of your choosing but are thinner and easier to keep neat. This kind of facial hairstyle is popular for the masculine aura it gives and it’s also easier to maintain. Working men like to focus their time on their work. A Short Beard allows minimal care compared to longer beards while still looking nicely groomed.

Chevron Moustache
One of the classic gentleman facial hair styles is the Chevron Moustache. It’s one of those styles that you need to try if you wish to exude a more commanding presence. Lucky for you, the Chevron Moustache goes well with all face shapes. In the office you may see a change in the way people view you because of this style. Don’t be surprised when people start treating you like a leader!

On the other hand, if you are the kind of person who doesn't really mind about not having facial hair, and only wants to spend those extra minutes of your time practising your presentation instead of grooming a moustache or a beard, then a Clean Shaved face is the way to go. While most of this list promotes styles that help you look more mature, a Clean Shaved face will make you look more youthful. It’s the most common look that most men have, but it is practical, especially in a fast-paced office environment!

What’s professional and what’s not will depend on each company. Get familiar with the culture of your company so you can decide on the best facial hairstyle to suit your needs and your tastes. The right style can help you achieve a new look that will wow the people you work with. Once you decide on a beard or moustache you Book an Appointment at Get Groomed! The barbers will be happy to help you look your best the next time you get to the office.

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