Fun short haircuts for textured hair

Fun short haircuts for textured hair

Choosing a hairstyle is a difficult task for everyone. There’s a lot to think about like whether the style goes well with your face shape and if you can take the time to maintain it despite your busy schedule. Having textured hair adds another criterion to consider when searching for a new cut to try. Some haircuts just won’t accommodate curly or textured hair in the same way they do straight hair. Others might even cause damage, and repairing that damaged hair is another difficult task. So, to save yourself the trouble, we’ve listed down a couple of hairstyles that are not only textured hair safe, but also fun and eye-catching.

Before you complain that this style is quite common, there are routes you can take to enhance this look. You may incorporate a fade on the sides of your head for a softer, smoother look as opposed to the harsh feel that the usual skinhead style gives off. If you’re looking to be even more adventurous, you can have different designs shaved into your hair. Although this decision is quite popular among younger men and those who aren’t in corporate fields. This style is great overall for those who have difficulty caring for their textured hair since keeping it short requires less maintenance.

Even though one needs to grow out their hair quite a bit to make it possible to braid, the different styles will shorten the length. Those with very curly hair, especially men who have coil-like curls, will find braids extremely beneficial. Not only do braids look gorgeous, but they also present the benefit of hair care. Black men put their hair into braids to protect them from the elements that have negative effects on curly hair. The braids are placed into beautiful patterns that can exhibit one’s style and personality.

High Top with Short Sides
Those with textured hair, especially with curls, have natural volume in their crowning glory. This gives them the chance to use their hair as an accessory. Curls will naturally sit high on one’s head because of volume, shaved or short sides will give emphasis to this. People will be naturally drawn to the visual at the top of your head and marvel at your natural look. Aside from the occasional hair wash and minimal styling, you’ll need to do little when your hair naturally styles itself for you.

Having textured hair means that despite not having a high-maintenance hairstyle, you still need to put in some effort to keep your hair healthy. There’ll be a search for nourishing shampoos and conditioners, that take time, effort and money. That’s why choosing a short hairstyle that doesn’t take away from looking your best is very important. These are only a few of the styles that cater to texture hair and give off a more lively and fun aura.

If you want to explore more styles, you can Book an Appointment with Get Groomed. Our very talented barbers can help you decide what fun look is right for you! It’s also very convenient because you won't have to step foot outside your home, instead our mobile barbers will come to you. Just Get in Touch with us today!

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